Synthetic Slate Tops St. Catherine of Siena The campus of St. Catherine of Siena is now complete. The addition of a new church sanctuary and adoration chapel connect all the structures on the church grounds. Twin metal steeples attract long-distance attention to the church. However, once at the church, it’s the synthetic slate material atop the new buildings that captures interest. “We chose the DaVinci Roofscapes slate product in Slate Gray for its beauty, durability and lightweight aspects,” says Greg Tice, AIA, partner at Spangenberg Phillips Tice Architecture . “We needed a material that allowed us to keep our structural design costs and product weight lower than using real slate. “Our firm has specified DaVinci products on other projects for similar reasons. The product is reliable, aesthetically pleasing, and has long-lasting value.” Challenging Roof Design The innovative 30,300-square-foot St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church is located in Wichit...